Summer 2014

This year winter seemed reluctant to loosen its grip and only begrudgingly let spring take her rightful place. Yet spring seemed to lack the will to banish the cold from the ground so plants could get about the business of bringing pastures to life in lush greens, of trees bursting out with leaves swaying in warm breezes, and flowers driving winter’s gloom away with bright colors. With May came the realization that the growing season needed to be kicked into high gear. Since then every farmer I know has been in a constant battle to make up for lost time due to cool temperatures and rains that made it impossible to plant when they needed.

As July approaches pastures have been bush hogged and fertilized, fence lines repaired, chicken pens repaired, cows tagged, calves born and pigs in residence just to name a few of the accomplishments that has occurred. It’s hard to believe the year is half over!

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As always if you are interested in any products contact us. Product tends to move fast.

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